Kalklitir, kalkmaling Antique rose
1 kg kalkmaling
Antique rose er en farge som minner om gammelrosa.
Kalklitir kalkmaling gir et rått og lekkert utseende med en matt finish. Kalklitir stammer fra Island og er en blanding af kalk, pigmenter og vann. Kalklitir er et naturprodukt og kanskje enda, en av de mest miljøvennlige av denne sorten.
Kalklitir er pakket i 1kg poser, som du blander opp med 1,7 liter vann. Etter blandingen har du ca 2 l. kalkmaling, som dekker ca. 6-8 m2 to ganger (Kalklitir anbefaler at du maler et område 2 ganger for det optimale resultat). Du kan bruke malingen både inne, ute og på møbler. For å oppnå den flotte effekt som du ser på bilde, er det vigtig at du maler med en pensel og ikke en rulle. Du kan male på betong, tapet, malede vegger og tre, men ikke på vannavvisende flater. Hvis du skal male på en overflate med vannavvisende maling eller annet, skal du starte med en akryl grunner.
Kalk paint
Our Kalk paint is a lime based product, and the main characteristics are the different shades of colour with its matte texture and superb depth.
Kalk paint will age beautifully over time and work well for old design styles, contemporary interiors, as well as the most modern styles of today.
Kalk paint is ideal for most indoor surfaces, works best when absorbed into the wall so it will leave the surface breathable, hence the surface is protected by its anti-fungal properties which mean far less changes of mould growth and will tolerate normal interior humidity.
We produce our Kalk paint in powder form, but conventional liquid paints are 70% or more water or solvents.
By producing and selling the paint in powder form we avoid shipping around huge quantities of water and by selecting Kalklitir you will help reduce carbon emissions.
Our product is easy to carry around, can be stored in powder form for a long time and takes up small space in storage room.
Kalk paint blends easily with tap water at home or at the site where they are to be used.
The result is top quality, freshly made Kalk paint, ready to be used.
Have in mind that you are working with a natural material and the final outcome may vary.
Our Kalk paint is Eco-friendly, VOC-free paint, and complies with environmental legislation regarding the VOC content of paint. VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) means those solvents in paint which evaporate and affect the climate. VOC's are carbon based chemical compounds found in conventional paints. VOC's evaporate into the atmosphere and are hazardous to human health, animals, the environment and contribute to global warming.
As lime is mildly corrosive until dry, take sensible precautions. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Open the bag and pour contents carefully. Avoid breathing in the dust and keep out of eyes. In case of insufficient ventilation wear a suitable dust mask. If using an electric mixer, take appropriate precautions near water and keep away from children. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Use of proper protective gear (gloves,googles and a mask) is always recommended. Good ventilation is always better.
Our Kalk paint comes in powder form, packed in 1 kg bags.
Once mixed with 1.7 liters of water you will have about 2 liters of Kalk paint ready to be used.
In powder form our Kalk paint has many years of shelf life, but once mixed with water, it will keep for about one year in an air tight container.
If mixed with water, Kalk paint will need to be stirred well up, when used again after storage (you might need to add some water to get a good consistence).
Drying Time:
Kalk paint hardens with air, and it takes about 2 - 6 hours for it to be touch dry, about 72 hours for the water to evapourate and it can take up to few weeks or even few months to fully harden, all depending on the humidity in the room.
It is very important that no water comes in contact with the Kalk paint in the first 72 hours after applying, as the water will then leave white spots on the surface.
Kalk paint looks much darker when in wet form, but as the paint dries, you will find that the paint will become much lighter and will dry to the desired finish.
When the paint is new and fresh on your wall, and has not fully hardened, it can rub off on your clothes, especially the darkest colours, the lighter colours are less prone to rubbing off. Once fully hardened that will stop.
If Kalklitir Kalk paint is to be protected (using f.exx. StucVernisPU), then you must wait at least 72 hours before doing so.
The drawback with Kalk paint is that you cannot clean it using soap and water. You can of course clean dust using damp cloth, but do it gently and do not rub the painted area. For serious damage, a fresh coat needs to be applied to the wall.
For smaller stains or spots you can try applying the same colour on the area with a small brush, then, once dried, rub gently using your fingers or fine sandpaper on the edges of the new paint in order to get it to blend in. If it is oil/grease you have on your wall, clean it using water, and you can also try to remove it using sandpaper, then apply acrylic primer on the spot before you paint with the Kalk paint again to stop the oil/grease leaking through the new layer.
The good thing about Kalk painted walls is that normally it only needs one layer of freshly made Kalk paint to look amazing again